Calculating Inbreeding Coefficient_Syekat Fish World

Individual inbreeding values can be calculated by using a technique called pathway analysis. In path analysis you convert a pedigree to a path diagram and determine the inbreeding of an individual by adding the different possible paths to one or more common ancestor. For Example:

Each arrow of the path diagram represents a gamete and 50% of an individual genome. Individual inbreeding values are calculated by using the following formula:


Fx = The inbreeding of an individual

N= Number of individual in a given path

FA =The inbreeding of the common ancestor

If  FA  is 0 the equation will be as follows:

Individual G in the preceding pedigree is inbreed because one of his ancestors appears on both the maternal and paternal side of the pedigree (the definition of a common ancestor). Individual A is the common ancestor of G. The inbreeding of G is determined by tracing a path from G to A. When you trace the path, what you will do is determine how A's genes ended up in G. To do this, you start with one of G's parents, trace a path to A, and then trace the path from A to G's other parent: To calculate FG,  trace a path from D to E, through G's common ancestor:

Common ancestor of G: A

There are 3 individuals in this path , so the value of N = 3

Individual A is not inbreed . So, Calculation of FG  is :

If more than one common ancestor exists, you simply add the products of each path. For example ,

In the above pedigree individual G and I are inbreed, because both have common ancestors. To calculate FG  trace the paths from C to D through G’s common ancestors. Here common ancestor of G is A and B

There are two paths , and there are 3 individuals in each paths . So the value of N=3 in each paths. Individuals A and B are not inbreed . So to calculate FG  add the products of the two separate paths by the following formula: 

Reference :

[1 ] Genetics For Fish Hatchery Managers (1986) By Tave, Douglas.

 Nazmul Haque Syekat

Fisheries & Marine Science ,NSTU


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